what's left

Photo 24-5-15 1 50 36 pm copy

We don't need ten thousand friends, if none of them actually gives a shit.
I'm grateful for the ones that stayed and still care till this very day.
Thank you for this love, you know who you are.
I will be there for you too, always.
Yes I swear.
Posted by : ells

film 001

1Photo 18-5-15 3 26 09 pm (1) copy
Photo 18-5-15 3 26 10 pmPhoto 18-5-15 3 26 02 pm (1)Photo 18-5-15 3 26 02 pm (2)Photo 18-5-15 3 26 05 pm

Completely random and out of date, recently sent a couple of rolls to get developed and here were a few, completely unorganized but I should do up a few based on events. More to come!!

1 like a deer caught in headlights, my recent visit to the old street markets of thailand.
2 quaint rooftop hangz on my last day in Bangkok.
3 a miley cyrus moment back in school.
4 Joelynn's performance that me and Chew would never miss.
5 a basic scene in temple visits of the +66.

Posted by : ells

If it's anything that I've learnt from past relationships I've had and lost, it is that words can only mean so much. Promises are nothing but mere words that left your lips, and trust can always be lost. I'm not a cynic, nor a non believer, but I've realized how fickle our human minds can be. Sometimes all we need is a 'sign' and suddenly we make up our minds in just that moment, and then all the sweet nothings you used swooned over disappear as soon as we call it quits.

I don't think it matters how long it lasted or how 'well' it was, it doesn't matter how many places you've travelled to together, or how many fancy dinners you've been to, all I ever cared about was the connection that was felt. Sometimes quality really triumphs quantity when it comes to love.

It's crazy what one person can do to you, and now you think of all the times you should've seen it coming. The little tell-tale signs that pointed to the end, but then again you never saw it coming either, because you get so blinded by the good times while they lasted. We all do.

I don't believe in destiny, but I do believe in fate. I believe that paths that cross each other aren't that much of a coincidence, but they are lessons that were meant to be learnt. And as our paths start to go in separate ways, I want to believe that it is because our lessons with each other are done. Then we can walk away from it, knowing that we did not waste our time together.

People part ways because of different reasons, many times it can be selfish, but I understand that we need to help ourselves first before we can help others. Maybe that's what makes us say goodbye, because subconsciously we know we've got better futures ahead of us, that we can do better than this. It is only human to be selfish, but that's okay.

Posted by : ells

law of attraction

Photo 11-5-15 6 31 51 pm copyPhoto 11-5-15 6 34 45 pm
Photo 11-5-15 6 30 47 pm
Photo 11-5-15 6 28 28 pm copy
Wearing: Top &  Bag- Young Hungry Free, Palazzo Pants- Bangkok, Cardigan- Cotton on Photos by Wenz

Not everyone understands the law of attraction, I'm not speaking of blatant physical attraction between two persons in a club here, I'm talking about the attraction between our thoughts and this damn universe we live in. So I believe anyone who knows me have already heard their fair share of what I want to talk about below, but if you haven't (hopefully) hahaha, then I would love to share a little something I've picked up as part of my life in the last couple of years. 

I believe that the energy and vibrations we put out, from our daily lives, are what comes back to us, in an almost identical scale. If I were to smile and put out some positive energies as opposed to negative ones, then I am sure to receive it back at the end of the day! But there is definitely more to it than my brief blurts of excitement here. 

Now to put it simply, the law of attraction is like gravity, it is always working. Sometimes we are just not conscious of how we are using it. Everything we think or do manifests in some way, so um do we really need a reason to think positive? Let's start doing that today. Xoxo
Posted by : ells


Photo 1-5-15 12 59 03 am
Photo 1-5-15 12 55 05 am
Photo 1-5-15 12 51 53 am
Photo 1-5-15 12 58 00 am
Wearing: Top- Young Hungry Free, Shoes- Vans, Bag- Pomelo Fashion. Photos by Lionel Lim

Time has come after three long years, to graduate. I don't know how to feel about it to be honest, for a good couple of weeks I've been nothing but clueless, absolutely unsure of what the next step should be, what is in store for me. And hitting the big two-o didn't help much either, no longer nineteen & carefree.

All that emo nemo shit aside, I've been truly blessed with meeting new people, new opportunities have been coming my way, now fingers crossed that this streak doesn't stop!! Throughout this time I've kept one motto close to my heart, "Keep a positive attitude and things will fall into place," I think every word of that cannot be more true. But while at it, be assertive and get off your ass to do more amazing things. That I'm still struggling to achieve.

Till the next time, I'll update this place more often now that time is on my side. 

Posted by : ells