Wearing: Top- Young Hungry Free, Shoes- Vans, Bag- Pomelo Fashion. Photos by Lionel Lim
Time has come after three long years, to graduate. I don't know how to feel about it to be honest, for a good couple of weeks I've been nothing but clueless, absolutely unsure of what the next step should be, what is in store for me. And hitting the big two-o didn't help much either, no longer nineteen & carefree.
All that emo nemo shit aside, I've been truly blessed with meeting new people, new opportunities have been coming my way, now fingers crossed that this streak doesn't stop!! Throughout this time I've kept one motto close to my heart, "Keep a positive attitude and things will fall into place," I think every word of that cannot be more true. But while at it, be assertive and get off your ass to do more amazing things. That I'm still struggling to achieve.
Till the next time, I'll update this place more often now that time is on my side.