wise words, maybe

Photo 23-10-14 2 31 44 am

The world is uncertain
So the best word to describe it is 'maybe'
Posted by : ells

my 2 cents worth


I'll like to think that I can be my own person. To harvest my own thoughts and habits, I would love to
be an authentic copy, someone who can think for herself. I have to admit that I've been nothing but
submissive to influences around me these days, and I can't agree more with myself when I realize that
I've lost my own voice, almost. 

This sucks, obviously it sucks, because being true had always been my ideal way of life, I give
myself that extra drive each day to stay unabashed of my genuineness, as much as it may go against
the heavy current of how we live nowadays. We throw compliments about so thoughtlessly,
we say "I love you" a tad too much, now let's be honest, how many times out of all these words that
left our lips do we really mean for real? 

I can't say that I'm a saint, I've definitely had my fair share of shallow and fake upkeep moments to
boast, but I'm so not proud of it. And here I am, swearing off all of these fake hospitality bullshit,
because in this world of fake complexion, false lashes and unnatural eye color, have we not had
enough phony pretenses already to last our days? I think the least we could do is make sure that while
our outsides aren't all that real, we keep our insides as true as possible. 

Posted by : ells

jersey werkin'

Photo 29-9-14 4 32 12 pmPhoto 8-10-14 3 22 04 amPhoto 8-10-14 3 29 14 amPhoto 29-9-14 4 32 44 pm
So finally big thanks to the lovely peepz at Young Hungry Free, I got my hands on a pretty baseball jersey, can I just say that I'm obsessed?
Besides, this is the latest in trend now anyways, I am wearing it to death really,
as seen above, worn as an outerwear or a top, it's easy on the eyes both ways.

On a side note, my Macbook recently died on me, am posting this up on my weird Microsoft tablet pc,
I swear switching takes a whole lot of getting used to, but hey I try. That also means that I would be
the most unproductive from now on until I get my MacBook back from servicing,
 I hope all goes well though, keeping my fingers crossed real tight.
Posted by : ells