jersey werkin'

Photo 29-9-14 4 32 12 pmPhoto 8-10-14 3 22 04 amPhoto 8-10-14 3 29 14 amPhoto 29-9-14 4 32 44 pm
So finally big thanks to the lovely peepz at Young Hungry Free, I got my hands on a pretty baseball jersey, can I just say that I'm obsessed?
Besides, this is the latest in trend now anyways, I am wearing it to death really,
as seen above, worn as an outerwear or a top, it's easy on the eyes both ways.

On a side note, my Macbook recently died on me, am posting this up on my weird Microsoft tablet pc,
I swear switching takes a whole lot of getting used to, but hey I try. That also means that I would be
the most unproductive from now on until I get my MacBook back from servicing,
 I hope all goes well though, keeping my fingers crossed real tight.